Are the cars we drive an expression of our politics? I walk. That might say something.

Inspired by The Guardian’sdecision to put Conservative MP Boris Johnson into a Kia and former Labour foreign secretary and Iraq dissident Robin Cook behind the wheel of an Aston Martin and see what happens, we’ve asked what cars best reflect our politicians. There are some good responses today:

  • For Howard, as Deputy Sheriff, a Chevy Caprice, circa 1983 model. With a big aerial of course.
  • I reckon any old bomb would do for Kimbo.
  • For Abbott, an ambulance. Pity it’s not a hearse.
  • Bob Brown should have a Cannondale with cro-moly frame and full shockers – the thinking man’s bike. And of course, those fancy spandex bike pants and a luminous yellow Gore-Tex jacket.
  • I am not sure if Brendan Nelson has graduated from the trainer wheels yet.
  • Costello is a lumbering 4WD – all promise but you know he will never go off-road.

And there’s this very nice portmanteau response: “Simon Crean an FJ Holden ‘cos that’s where he belongs. Mark Latham – Hummer. Little Johnny or “Honest John the used car trader” – the biggest and best on the lot, his choice ‘cos he can change it every day just like his core promises. Amanda Vanstone might opt for the old Popemobile as it is about all she would fit into and it does have bullet proof glass. Bomber Beazley – let’s put him into one of his subs and they can groan away all day together.”

But can any Crikey reader please provide a definitive answer on that old urban myth about “Pajero” and just what it might mean in Latin American slang. It’s cropped up rather frequently in the last few days.