Using Robert Cialdini’s Five Weapons of Influence criteria, Bruce and Barry tell readers how they’ve managed to secure such a series of high powered, influential and well remunerated roles in companies like Qintex, HIH, AWB and OneTel, and how they became patrons of a variety of cultural institutions such as the Ballet and enjoy membership of some of the best Clubs in Australia.


Rule 5. The Right Club

The up and coming Executive is a member of prestigious clubs but it’s hard to get invited to join when you’ve only just set out on your fast track journey.

Here’s a tip we used early on in our own careers to devastating effect. Do some research to uncover the best 2nd tier men’s clubs in need of a makeover, join them and take control. In Melbourne for example, the Kelvin Club is a little long in the tooth and due for a makeover as is the Naval and Military Club, making them both perfect to launch your campaign. Remember to use the members’ money to improve the Clubs to the point that they become a prime establishment such as the Melbourne Club.

At that time you will almost certainly be invited to join one of the majors so you will have arrived.

You can of course claim to be a member of ‘The Club’ from day one and, as most people are not members of such establishments, you will sound impressive from the get go.