Parliament resumes today – and, no, don’t expect the new Coalition-controlled Senate to have passed an Enabling Bill by 3:15pm.

parliamentary proceedings are platitudinous or deadly dull. That’s why
the focus is always on Question Time. It’s when, to use that Keating
phrase, they throw the switch to vaudeville.

Have a look at the program for the Senate for today:
“The Senate will meet on Tuesday 9 August at 12:30pm. The
Governor-General will administer the oath or affirmation to senators
elected to serve from 1 July 2005. The Senate will then elect the
President of the Senate. The Senate will suspend at approximately
1:00pm, resuming at 1:50pm to elect the Deputy President. Business will
begin at 2:00pm with Question Time…”

No revolution. That will be
about it. Yes, we’ll probably get some interesting first speeches this
week from Barnaby Joyce, NSW Nat Fiona Nash, Family First’s Steve
Fielding and Tasmanian Green Christine Milne. But until the contentious
bills actually hit the floor of the chamber and the horse trading
really begins, Senate business will be bellyaching, not thrills and