I am feeling more than a bit of heat from the current factional unrest going on in the Liberal Party at the moment. I think I am in a position to say with some certainty whether or not there is a challenge to John Brogden’s Leadership.

I can say with some certainty THERE IS NO CHALLENGE to John Brogden’s leadership.

I am at a loss to understand why your political corespondent from the State Parliament, who has so called “inside” information, keeps saying so. It is pretty bloody obvious that John Brogden’s leadership is the main reason why the NSW Liberals are doing well in the Parliament, in the media and in the polls. Only someone who was INSANE would be suggesting that there was any danger that he was about to dumped.

There is more evidence that Bob Carr’s leadership is in trouble, than John Brogden’s. I am beginning to wonder whether the investment I made to subscribe to Crikey was worth it, if you can be so ridiculously wrong on something so basic.