Saying sorry is a pretty strange way to kick off a re-election campaign.

Then again, given the NSW Labor government well and truly has the stench of death about it, this campaign is set to be a pretty strange ride.

And let’s remember, Premier Kristina Keneally is working from a low base.

As political operative Charles Richardson writes in today’s Crikey: “Anything short of annihilation will be a triumph.”

“Keneally’s words yesterday do at least amount to a genuine apology, at least in form,” writes Richardson. “And it’s plausible to think that she really is sorry that Labor has made so many mistakes — although probably less for their effect on her constituents than for their effect on her electoral fortunes.”

So is a candid moment of contrition enough to haul the NSW Premier back from oblivion?

Probably not. But points for … flair.