It’s Tuesday. Tight-Arse Tuesday. Cheap-Arse Tuesday, if you will.
It’s the day before the notorious hump day, the day after the dreaded Monday, the day where the weekend feels so far away. And the day businesses lure us with discounts to fill empty shops, food outlets and cinemas. It’s an opportunity to enjoy an evening on the cheap, scrapping together those loose coins left over from those endless coffee runs.
It’s Super Tuesday at Hoyts, where you can check out the latest movies for only $11. Greater Union has even better deals with $8 tickets, unless of course you are a pensioner or a senior — it’s even cheaper for you then.
You can, of course, treat yourself to a cheap pizza or two from Dominos or Pizza Hut, where you can grab dinner with those coins shaking around at the bottom of your bag or pocket. Add a $2 DVD rental from Video Ezy or Civic Video and you’ve got the perfect, cheap night in.
You can even put on those fashionable bowling shoes and head to your local bowling alley for a great deal. Strike Bowling Bar has $9 bowling deals, with free popcorn (and a bar — you have to pay for that). Strike undoubtedly has the most attractive bowling shoes I’ve ever come across — they look like they should be on the shelves at the Nike shop.
A new and interesting Tight-Arse Tuesday deal I’ve come across are the number of piercing parlors that offer special deals today. Why not get that piercing you’ve always wanted — the one the boyfriend or girlfriend has endlessly tried to talk to you out of.
Whatever you decide to do tonight, make sure you take advantage of one of the cheap deals around your area — you’ll be grateful you used up those coins for something tasty, and entertaining.
The piercing that involves royalty?
Excellent article Sophie.
Now all you have to do, is persuade that “other” Sophie to make Crikey free on Tuesdays, and we’ll have ourselves a mass movement. 🙂
Is this page Crikey’s answer to the well known tight-wad Paul Clitheroe?
Hey Sophie, thanks for the kudos about our Tuesday promo nights! Yep, our shoes are pretty popular (the most stolen shoe in Melbourne!) We will actually be having a design your own bowling shoe competition later in the year! What’s your shoe size and postal address? I’ll send you out a pair…
soooo many activities!