Green goes online. Australia’s first “green” broadband plan has been launched to help customers neutralise the impact their internet use has on the environment. iPrimus and Landcare Australia teamed up for the Green Broadband program, which will plant five trees per year on every customer’s behalf. iPrimus CEO Ravi Bhatia says the two groups developed a conservative mathematical model to determine that five trees per household will lessen the environmental impact of a typical family’s broadband usage. The company has spent several hundred thousand dollars to develop the program, he said. — CRN

Aussies will pay for climate change. Almost nine out of ten Australians say they are happy to pay more for energy if it will help combat climate change. A BBC World Service poll has found people would be happy with prices rises if they are spent on creating clean energy sources to fight the environmental problem. Four out of five respondents said the cost of coal and oil has to go up to encourage individuals and businesses to use less. — The Age

People aren’t buying green Toyota. While Toyota is touting its image as an environmentally friendly automaker (in the US), that image has been questioned recently because of the company’s opposition to a fuel standards bill in Congress. The bill, also opposed by the Big Three, would impose more stringent minimum mileage requirements in vehicles. — Brandweek

Nobel winners fight for green. Canadian Nobel Prize-winning scientists are criticising their country’s government for failing to protect the nation from the dangers of global warming. The scientists say they are speaking out because the Harper government has shut down a federal climate change research network and blocked new studies on the impact of rising greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The critics are among a few dozen Canadians who were part of the team that won the Nobel Peace Prize after producing this year’s ntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment report. —

Climate change to end globalisation. Climate change could end globalization by 2040 as nations look inward to conserve scarce resources and conflicts flare when refugees flee rising seas and drought, national security experts warned on Monday. Scarcity could dictate the terms of international relations, according to Leon Fuerth of George Washington University, one of the report’s authors. — Reuters