The turmoil has continued inside Fairfax Community Network’s ailing suite of Victorian real estate glossies with acting editor Dan Stock quitting after he failed to snag the top job permanently and senior managers Leanne Younes and Rod Habgood also jumping ship.

The likeable Stock, who decamped last Friday for a holiday in the Philippines, had replaced former editor Alison Dean after she shot off to RoyalAuto in December, but it seems general manager Colin Moss decided not to elevate him.

In a strange email to staff yesterday afternoon, Moss said he had “mixed feelings” over Habgood and Younes’s departures, with Younes reportedly taking up a role with AusAid in Vietnam.

The carnage began when Dean and chief-of-staff Christie Puecker walked out before Christmas amid complaints Fairfax bean counters weren’t paying enough attention to the editorial product. As chronicled by Crikey, the division is now bleeding tens of millions of dollars a year after Antony Catalano’s Weekly Review stripped it of all but its most low-rent real estate advertisers.

“It’s pretty ironic they’re losing all their editorial staff while the executives that lost the contracts stay put,” said one former Fairfax insider.