Today’s budget, with its crackdown on the long-term unemployed — aka dole bludgers — reminds us of this classic scene from ABC’s The Hollowmen.
Time for a crackdown!
Today’s budget, with its crackdown on the long-term unemployed — aka dole bludgers — reminds us of this classic scene from ABC’s The Hollowmen.
After this tiny taste it means digging out my old DVD recordings of ‘The Hollowmen’ series. A favourite was when the PM’s Dept went on a cost-cutting exercise and all the lights were dimmed, airconditioning sacrificed etc. Brilliant script by Working Dog.
I wont spoil it but the best joke is the final line. ROFL.
Can’t watch on my dodgy regional connection but is it the bit where they’re testing the pwhorrh factor of big numbers?
As with FRONTLINE, the writing of Working Dog hasn’t a wasted syllable or word, every line a shiv between the pretentious ribs.