Mary Jo called out for tardiness. Why did it take Senator Doug Cameron to finally call the chair of the environment committee, Senator Mary Jo Fisher, out for her chronic lateness to Senate hearings? Are all her Coalition colleagues too gutless to confront the growing problem? Her lateness, and the delays to the start of hearings it causes, are now a regular occurrence.

Anti-tax rally at tax-free company. Pretty amazing choice of location for Tony Abbott to make an announcement about carbon or any other tax. Sanitarium, as a religious exempt, doesn’t pay any.

Firm sued for TPA breaches. Architects linked to the BER outsourcing scandal face a suit over the dissolution of a merger. A Sydney-based architectural practice at the centre of the BER scandal for outsourcing its work to overseas offices is being sued for numerous breaches of the Trade Practices Act following the dissolution of a merger with another firm.

The companies that don’t pay super. Crikey yesterday reported on a Melbourne firm that hasn’t made superannuation payments since September 2010. They’re lucky: there is an epidemic of employers not paying the superannuation levy, and a lot of them go back a long way further than September. Unlike PAYG tax, there is no requirement for employees to report the non-payment of the levy and it appears, to date, no easy way for the ATO to harvest that information.

Inside Fairfax: a dose of anger. It’s well known that Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood advised Antony Catalano to set up the category-killing Weekly Review. The very product that stole our millions. When assisting the Cat he was heading Tourism Victoria. What was that ad campaign? You’ll love every piece of Victoria. Now he’s ruining every piece of The Age. Staff felt optimistic when ex-journo Hywood came on board. He was supposed to be one of us. But he turned out to be the Grim Reaper and the bad publicity virus he has spread is more virulent than SARS and bird flu.