The Courier-Mail informs us that the Galaxy poll from Queensland published on Saturday also canvassed state voting intention, with results very similar to those of last week’s Newspoll: primary votes of 30 per cent for Labor and 52 per cent for the Liberal National Party, with the later opening up a huge lead of 61-39 on two-party preferred. The shift comes off a higher base than Newspoll: even at the peak of Anna Bligh’s flood-and-cyclone poll spike, Galaxy had the LNP leading 55-45. The poll offers much further detail on perceptions of the best party to handle various issue areas, and these as always are shown to be chasing the tail of the voting intention figures, with the LNP well ahead on every measure. Hopefully we’ll get more detail from the print edition. As usual with Galaxy, the sample was 800 and the margin of error about 3.5 per cent. Hat tip to the always hat-tippable GhostWhoVotes.