Last Friday, former NSW opposition leader John Brogden was
anointed as CEO of Manchester
– a job he will take up in mid August.

But just in case anyone was wondering whether the 37-year-old was really qualified
to head up a health fund with over 155,000 members, over 400 residents in
retirement and aged care facilities and which offers financial solutions to
over 8000 members, Crikey has a copy of the job ad Brogden answered…

It includes the following critieria:

Now compare this with Brogden’s resume

  • Completed a Masters of Public Affairs (University of Sydney) 2001.
  • Before entering Parliament employed as Public Affairs Manager for the
    Credit Union Services Corporation (Aust) Limited, and a public
    relations consultant.
  • Between 1989 – 1994 adviser to New South Wales
    Government Ministers including Premier John Fahey.
  • Liberal Party Leader 28 March 2002 – 29 August 2005, when he resigned in a controversy over revelations that he labelled Bob Carr’s
    Malaysian-born wife a “mail-order bride” and pinched the bottom of
    a female journalist after drinking six beers at an AHA function last July.

So is he qualified? Or is this an example of creating jobs for the boys? The board of Manchester Unity includes a former Liberal
candidate and former Sutherland mayor, Kevin Schreiber.