Andrew Demetriou for parliament? Speculation over what might become of Christine Campbell in the Victorian state seat of Pascoe Vale continues to burble. The SDA-aligned cultural conservative was expected to retire before last year’s poll but stayed put, suffering a 6.5% swing against her. Under the party’s 2009 stability pact the seat is technically reserved for Campbell’s bitter enemies in Labor Unity, but the SDA would be expected to have the numbers on the ground to overturn the central selection panel in the event of a byelection.

Some of the names bandied about? SDA organiser and state ALP senior vice president Lizzie Blandthorn tops the list but there’s a whole host of rebel right contenders jostling for attention in the seat, dominated by second generation European migrants. More fancifully, AFL chief Andrew Demetriou has been mooted in some quarters as an imposed LU candidate, requiring him to take a $2 million pay cut to sit on the opposition benches for the next seven years before finally moving on Daniel Andrews as premier. And his parents used to run Tony’s Fish and Chip shop in Pascoe Vale South. Still, if Frank McGuire can do it …

NSW branch shuffles. Belinda Neal is apparently causing trouble again. The failed state candidate for Gosford, Katie Smith, has left the Woy Woy branch (Neal’s) to join another branch (Gosford). Which would team her with Melissa Batten — the office assistant who quit after Neal asked her to rewrite a false statutory declaration. Only half the branches had their delegates turn up to the last Robertson FEC meeting — which is apparently now common. Asks our source: “Do they actually exist? When will Sam Dastyari act?”

ABC outsourcing: some questions. Our story yesterday on the ABC outsourcing its production — including its arts output — stirred plenty of comment, including inside Aunty. One staffer — who insists on anonymity because “I’m scared of losing my job” — asks some questions:

“Who are the main production companies that benefit from ABC’s outsourcing? How much cash goes out the door? How many redundancies have there been in the last five years? How many new appointments to middle management (delegate and delegate ruthlessly)? Middle management has more than tripled under Mark Scott.”

They had more questions, too: on a relocated production manager who apparently had his rent paid for three years, rumours 7.30 won’t tackle a country story unless it costs under $1000 and the “pathetic” pay of online staff. Not to mention the canteen. They write: “Apart from being an employee (god knows for how long) I’m a tax payer and I believe I’m being short changed, so are you.”

Meanwhile, TV head Kim Dalton pointed to ratings for making some of the cuts. But as another insider points out it was the lack of promotion that ultimately killed Sunday afternoon arts show Art Nation: “The reason Art Nation hasn’t rated very well is because it’s not supported internally … how does the audience know about the program if it’s not promoted?”

There’s plenty of feeling inside the broadcaster on the outsourcing trend. So get it off your chest: drop us a line or send a tip anonymously.

Aunty switches off. Meanwhile, we hear ABC headquarters at Ultimo in Sydney is planning a special “green switch-off day”. Staff are being encouraged to switch off every TV, radio, computer and related device not in use. The event is being promoted on … six big-screen TVs in the foyer.

Labor’s Nazi-like campaign. A bemused constituent of Senator Ian McDonald sent us his “occasional” online newsletter Northern Opinion Online. The latest edition includes this parting shot:

We’re not sure what’s more amusing: the histrionics, or the mis-spelling of “Goebels”.

Bath time in Brunswick. The tip we had yesterday on the Brunswick City Baths in Melbourne? Swimmers upset with the renos and fee hikes? A beat-up, one local insists. As a community services, we’re happy to explain …

“The bike path is lit and well used and besides you can get to the new facilities quite easily across from the Woollies car park you can enter from well lit Albert St. The path is only an option if you choose to come via Dawson St past the baths under renovation and there is no compulsion to do that.

“The renovations were consulted on and flagged well in advance. The new facilities will be bigger and better and better cater to the growing population in the area shoe-horning into new medium and high density dwellings. All members were given the right to suspension of membership until the renovations are finished. I suspended and just received two free passes to use the temporary gym regardless. I might add the temporary gym is spacious and looked pretty well appointed when I stuck my head in for a look the other day.

“I’ve been a member for years and the rates hike happens every year, more or less in line with inflation. It is certainly not gone up extra to fund the reno. If I was to have a shot I would say it would have been better to defer the rise for more than the month or two they have, given current membership is worth less without the pools.”