A Tsar Is Born. For his “extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability,” Time has announced Vladimir Putin as Person of the Year. Al Gore and J.K. Rowling are runners-up. — Metafilter
And Time’s Man of the Year Is … Vladimir Putin? Well, I guess runner-up Al Gore will have to be satisfied with a Nobel, an Oscar, an Emmy and the respect of hundreds of millions of people for his leadership on global climate change. — Daily Kos
Gore fights back! Lawyers for former Vice President Al Gore have filed numerous lawsuits against Time magazine, alleging a series of voting irregularities they maintain deprived Gore of Time’s “Person of the Year” Award. It has been announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin received the 2007 award, with Gore finishing second. Details of the suits are sketchy, but one of them accuses certain unnamed Time employees of denying others the right to vote when it was determined they were leaning toward Gore. Rumors have surfaced that one employee, known only as “Chad”, has confirmed those rumors. — Human Events
Another suggestion. With all respect to Time magazine and their choice of Russian Prez Vladimir Putin as Person Of The Year, CNBC has a different suggestion for the yearly slot: the American Homeowner. — Huffington Post
Lopping Gore, tall poppy. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been named Time magazine’s person of the year—the theory either being that Al Gore’s got too much shine or that the mag’s editor, Rick Stengel, has a thing for Viggo Mortensen look-alikes. — Radar
Not exactly a ringing endorsement. Worth remembering that this does not suggest any enthusiasm for him. Other Time Men of the Year include Stalin, Hitler and Khomeini. — Daniel Finkelstein, Comment Central, The Times
Vlad, fashion dictator. But c’mon… he deserves it for his work in fashion. CHECK OUT HIS BLOODY SUNGLASSES! We hear he wears these uber-reflective shades to all high profile meetings, so foreign leaders can never actually see his eyes in order to assess if he’s telling fibs or not. Brilliant! — Defamer
Just shows that various the denizens of “The Media” have no credentials as philosophers or thinkers of any kind.