Rupert Murdoch celebrated his double-edged
award from PBL’s Bulletin magazine yesterday by warning the world not to trust
Muslims. According to his own

News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch said today
that Muslims would always identify themselves by religion before nationality,
and warned that care needed to be taken to avoid a divided society.

“You have to be careful about Muslims who have a very strong, in many
ways a fine, but very strong religion which supercedes any sense of nationalism
wherever they go,” Mr Murdoch told Channel Nine.

It’s the sort of statement Rupert’s kind
commonly made about Catholics a century ago – you just can’t trust those Micks
because their first allegiance is to Rome. (And it was a
sentiment that lasted well into the last century – as Tony Abbott
has said in relation to Phillip Lynch – in the 1960s it was a severe handicap in
the Liberal Party to be a Catholic.)

As this is the view of the most influential
Australian, one credited with having governments do his bidding, we should
expect Muslims to be forthwith excluded from all but the most menial positions
on the public payroll. Private companies working in areas of national interest
also should be audited to ensure no Muslims are in any position of authority. It
would be helpful if all Muslims were required to wear something distinguishing,
say, an armband with a crescent moon on it, to warn real Australians of their
presence. Furthermore, if Muslims can’t be trusted to be loyal to Australia,
their assets here should be subject to extra taxation or perhaps confiscation.
Indeed, as a pre-emptive measure, perhaps internment in special camps would be
of use.

Nice one, Rupert. But you’re also the bloke
who thought $20-a-barrel oil would make the Iraq war