Nothing to truffle with. Business aims to offset habitat impact by boosting biodiversity elsewhere: A giant natural-gas operation that Shell Oil is building in Qatar will disrupt birds and rare desert truffles — but the company plans to make amends by protecting antelopes, turtles, and sea cows elsewhere in the emirate. While some conservationists applaud such schemes, others cry greenwash. — Grist 

90,000 homes to be powered by chicken manure.  The world’s largest biomass power plant running exclusively on chicken manure has opened in the Netherlands. The power plant will deliver renewable electricity to 90,000 households. If the chicken manure releases methane, and by using the manure for power generation, the release of methane is avoided. — Environmental News Network

Green Bible stresses eco- passages, some may see red. HarperOne has published a Green Bible that highlights with green ink over 1,000 references to the earth and what the publishers say is a scriptural mandate to care for it. The inks are soy-based on recycled paper. — Reuters

A photographic record of rapid glacial retreat in Alaska. Bruce F. Molnia, a research geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey, has compiled a striking set of photographs documenting the retreat of glaciers, in a new book, Glaciers in Alaska. Comparing archival photographs from the first half of the 20th century with present-day pictures, Molnia illustrates a stark reality. — Yale Environment 360