Congo launches review of logging contracts. Congo, home to the world’s second largest tropical forest, launched a review of all timber contracts on Wednesday in an effort to clean up a business rife with corruption and to recoup millions of dollars in lost taxes. — Reuters
An economists’ eye view. The agricultural industry is one of the biggest users of water, energy, and chemicals on the planet. Overall it poses one of the biggest threats to global biodiversity, which is why it deserves significant attention from the environmental community. — Grist
European birds flocking to UK. Researchers at Durham, the RSPB and Cambridge University have found that birds such as the Cirl Bunting and Dartford Warbler are becoming more common across a wide range of habitats in Britain as temperatures rise. Researchers looked at twenty-five year population trends of 42 bird species and found some species in northern europe had declining populations due to global warming. — Science Daily
World’s largest wind farm. Oregon has just been given the go-ahead by The Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council to build a 909 MW wind farm in the north-central part of the state. That’s enough energy to power 200,000 homes. — Cleantechnica
The Worlds largest wind farm article goes on to say that T boone Pickens Texas wind farm will provide 4000 mw of power, I work that out to be enough for over 800,000 homes. Western Australia always prides itself as being bigger than Texas so only one wind farm not too far from Perth could provide enough power for all the houses there.