Andrew Bolt’s rights have been trampled on, freedom of speech has been denied to him and he has been silenced.
The world is poorer for it — especially on issues as pressing as indigenous people who clearly look white. We are none the wiser now the News Limited commentator has effectively been shut down on this red-hot story. Luckily, we have Bolt’s readers to step into the breach:
Yes, thank you Mordechai. (We presume that’s not a cheeky reference to Judge Mordecai Bromberg but just a stunning coincidence.) You alone can continue to bring this important issue to light.
And what an issue! Another poor white/black kid (take ya pick) makes good on merit and a meagre bit of government assistance.
Bolt’s beyond nauseating, but as to what’s the best word to describe someone so twisted and sick, well, I just cannot comment.
Last Saturday, at the coffee shop, I picked up a copy of the Hun and went to the bolter’s page. I honestly can’t remember what the topic was but I did note that he hadn’t lost his hatred for his subject matter. Still, the fact that I can’t remember what he said must say something?
As the Hun is not my style I can’t substantiate his abysmal tripe above. I am not inferring Crikey’s accuracy is suspect. Rather I’m querying my own mental processes.
Hey, I for one am glad that Mr. Bolt is keeping an eye on this sort of thing. The very fabric of society was crumbling before he took his stand. Did anyone notice how shifty eyed she looked!
Venise – ” picked it up at the coffee shop” sounds a lot like the “I was only reading Playboy for the articles” line. It s OK to admit to being a Hun reader!
MARK: Hehehehehehe Actually the only msm I subscribe to is the Age. But, I ain’t averse to picking up the Hun in a coffee shop. 😈 🙂