ABC journo for LNP role? We hear Campbell Newman’s people are investing a lot of time wooing an ABC TV journo to head the central communications unit of an LNP government in Queensland.  The journo is quite popular with party operatives. “She was also offered a major role in an LNP administration at the last state election, held in 2009,” our tipster reveals. “Only problem was they lost. She’s been biding her time since.”

AFTRS search for bullying evidence. As has now been widely reported, former ABC executive and head of the Australian Film, TV and Radio School, Sandra Levy has been accused of bullying, undermining and micromanaging staff by a former executive suing for more than $1 million. Professor Katherine Blashki launched the case earlier this month; Crikey hears today IT staff have been asked to scour the logs of emails sent by staff. This could get nasty.

Another Aussie in NotW hacking? Another prominent Australian been contacted by UK police with news their phone was hacked by the News of the World, we’ve been told. We’re attempting to make contact. Stay tuned…

Phil annoyed by ‘convict’ Aussies. We hope this is true, from the 3AW Rumour File this morning: “Caller ‘RCH’ reports a rumour as fact that just before the opening of the Royal Children’s Hospital on Wednesday an employee was ushering guests to their seats, and told the Queen and Prince Phillip to move. He reports Prince Phillip said to the Queen as she glared at him ‘Well, they are convicts, dear’.”