An unfortunate incident on Sunrise this morning when a competition winner was called and answered the phone with the rival’s catch cry “I wake up with Today!”. Cue horror faces from Mel and Kochie …
Embarrassing! Sunrise comp winner quotes rival
An unfortunate incident on Sunrise this morning when a competition winner was called and answered the phone with the rival’s catch cry “I wake up with Today!”. Cue horror faces from Mel and Kochie …
You would have to pay me $40,000 to watch that rubbish Koshie and mel
Hope Today gave her the money. Worth $40,000 of Ad Time!
Gold ….Can’t abide those people in the morning, noon or any time at all really. $40,000 to watch that rubbish simply would be enough!
Kochie’s line to the caller “You’re so easily bought!” would apply to all their viewers.
Probably one of the most insightful remarks anybody will ever hear on this crud programme.
If those touch tones (DTMF) heard while they are dialing are real, anyone with the right software could decode them and find out the telephone number called. This is quite a breach of privacy I would think.