Union and Campbell in pre-election bed? A senior unionist is making no bones about cosying up to the Liberal-National Party ahead of the Queensland state election. We’re told the official has been holding regular meetings with leader-in-exile Campbell Newman and other senior party men over the past few months. His actions have not gone unnoticed — a number of the union’s rank and file have called the membership hotline to voice their anger, according to our source: “Members of the organisation’s leadership team are worried about the large number of ordinary members resigning from the union in recent weeks. Word is our man’s been offered head of the Public Service Commission should Newman take office next year.”
New chair at the renamed Place. Victoria has a new government planning body — Places Victoria replaces VicUrban — and a new chairman in Peter Clarke. Rabble-rousers inside the organisation were telling us Clarke had been laying down the law and “acting more like a CEO than chairman”. But a spokesperson insists that’s not the case: “He is fully undertaking his role as chairman.” We’ll keep watch.
Xmas party watch #1: if you drink and drive … IBM aren’t the only party poopers. After publishing a directive from management yesterday on the dangers of Christmas festivities comes another timely warning to staff of ACP Magazines …
Preparations are in full swing for the ACP Christmas party and as much as the Company invites you to celebrate the end of year in style, we must ask you to be mindful of your actions and behaviour at the Christmas Party this week.
If you intend drinking, it is important for your safety and wellbeing that you do so responsibly and please be aware of your behaviour toward your colleagues. It is important for the enjoyment of all that your conduct not be offensive or irresponsible; this includes becoming intoxicated and drink-driving.
Tania Black
HR General Manager
ACP Magazines
Xmas party watch #2: do they deserve lunch? Why, one Crikey reader asks, is the Victorian tertiary education regulator, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, taking stakeholders to a four-hour Christmas lunch today in Port Melbourne?
“The Auditor-General’s recent report highlighted the poor job the VRQA has done in regulating the training sector in Victoria. Presently there is media speculation in The Australian of concerns with a Victorian higher education provider’s Bachelor of Architecture course. With such a poor track record and ongoing quality issues to be addressed it’s galling to think of VRQA board members and senior staff sitting back quaffing wine and indulging in a leisurely lunch while there’s so much work they should be doing.”
Well, perhaps. But everyone is entitled to Christmas, aren’t they? Deserved or otherwise, tell us your workplace party gossip: drop us a line or use the cloak-of-darkness anonymous form.
Crickey should have a subscriber Christmas Party so the 90% of lefties on this Board can have a tussle with the 10% non socialist / non communist / non basket weavers.
Suzanne Blake, this is the subscriber Christmas Party. We are all here. I can see you over there with the other non spellers (Crickey – a pain in the neck, ho hum), 50% at least, partaking of all the spoils like there’ll be no tomorrow.