Premier prefers lunch female-free. Which state premier still enjoys taking lunches in the opulent confines of an establishment gentleman’s club?

Want to hack for the government? The Defence Signals Directorate, the Defence Force spy unit that vows to “reveal their secrets — protect our own”, must be in the market for white-hat hackers. A Crikey operative noted a glossy and glamorous ad for the agency before his film last night. And it sponsored a segment at the recent Linux conference presented by Jake Appelbaum (prompting the high-profile hacker to spend part of his presentation attacking them). Apply within.

Spying on The Lobby, from the front. We did our own spy work yesterday on the now-infamous Lobby Restaurant in Canberra, site of the Australia Day showdown between political leaders and Aboriginal activists. Was there a back entrance, one former waiter at the bistro asked? We’ve received conflicting advice:

“It might look like a driveway on Google earth but it isn’t. It’s simply a stretch of grass that has recently been resown, so recently looked a little bare (and it gets quite boggy when it rains). The back door to the Lobby opens onto the same stretch of road as was used on Thursday, about five metres further down than the door they used. Things ain’t always what they seem — I would leave interpretation of aerial photography to people with the appropriate expertise!”

Ouch. Consider our magnifying glass hung up.

Tributes (or not) continue for Baxter. News Limited will be “infinitely better off” without corporate spinner Greg Baxter, according to one insider who offers an unflattering character assessment we won’t repeat here. The on-the-record quotes from journalists and staffers at Holt Street have praised the long-time lieutenant. Others may be glad to see the back of him.

Hun designs newsroom sackings? Spies inside the Herald Sun newsroom in Melbourne report multiple lay-offs among graphic designers. We’re making inquiries …

Who’s the big-wig golfing cheat? A Crikey reader requests your help: “According to the 3AW Rumour File on Monday, a prominent Melbourne businessman couldn’t find his shot to a par three, so dropped a ball secretly in rough and played it as his second. Only problem was, when they putted out, they found his first ball in the hole! Currently suspended from his club for cheating. I’m busting to know who it is.” Us too. Let us know, won’t you …