When Pat McNamara stops worrying about his superannuation and does the decent thing and resigns the seat of Benalla, local farmer Bill Hill is ready to take the seat as an independent. This week, Bill gives us an insight into his philosophy.
While Pat McNamara continues to prevaricate about his exit from the seat of Benalla, I would like to share with you some of my personal philosophy and give you an insight into my life’s journey; or try to explain why Bill keeps banging his head against brick walls.

“We get what we manage for.” I first heard this rather confronting statement at a Grazing for Profit school in Bendigo in July 1998. This was a major turning point for me in my approach to farming – and to life.

My wife Debbie and I have been implementing the principles learned during this and subsequent schools, to run a more productive, sustainable and economically viable farming enterprise. We challenged paradigms that had influenced our management for most of the past thirty years. This was both daunting and exciting.

We now value the opinions of people who don’t know they can’t do it, and subsequently find a way. Of course they make mistakes, but they learn and profit from their experience. The wonderful thing for us is they share both the good and the bad experience and we all move forward.

Victor Frankl, in his book, “A man’s search for meaning,” maintains that it is our attitude that is paramount in how we experience life. When we accept that we can change ourselves, we are on the way to making a difference. Small, informed attitudinal changes, made by enough people can translate into a significant and profound change.

If we can live ethically and take responsibility for ourselves, the decisions we make can ultimately make a difference. We can become more empowered and effective human beings. As children, many of us were taught to mind our own business, to speak when we are spoken to and to respect our elders. Many of us feel uncomfortable in confronting injustice; it’s none of our business.

Inequity is not our fault, but why, then, do we feel guilty or at least momentarily uncomfortable. My experience is that nothing matches the feeling of self worth more than seeing my philosophy expressed in my reality. Remember that small changes, made consciously and consistently, become increasingly empowering.

We can become more effective people and make a real difference. Why shouldn’t we be the best people we can be? Let’s work together to make a difference individually and collectively. Of course, sometimes our motives will be misunderstood or misinterpreted. It’s important to think twice and act once, just as we should listen and understand before we speak

It is better to have tried and failed than to not have tried at all. The person who has never made a mistake has probably done very little, and will die wondering what could have been. After all, the only thing of any value that we take with us to our grave is our reputation, and hopefully our good name. At least I will not die wondering what might have been. I hope that in some small way I can make a difference.

Bill Hill, March 12 2000 Benalla Campaign Website:

Bill Hill & Crikey – an Independent Voice

You can share the vision of Bill Hill on the inaugural Bill Hill Wine Tour, which will be a lively part of the Battle for Benalla, scheduled to take place when former National Party leader Pat McNamara resigns from parliament this year.

While Procrastinating Pat clings to his seat, Bill is lifting his profile as a credible Independent candidate with the capacity to represent the people of Benalla and hold the balance of power in Parliament together with Victoria’s three existing independents, Russell Savage, Craig Ingram and Susan Davies.

You can read Bill’s weekly View from the Hill in the archives section of Crikey – they make powerful reading and outline a compelling case for a change to an Independent voice for Benalla, after decades of National Party indolence in this potentially dynamic region.

Stay tuned for details of the Wine Tour, which will take in some of Victoria’s finest wineries and provide a great opportunity to get to know the district and the man we believe is best placed to represent it – Bill Hill.

– Hugo Kelly