The Greens:

Ken Lambert writes: Re. “The Greens, business and the art of fiscal discipline” (yesterday, item 1). Earthians, listen up. Major Bob has read the signs. It is time to move on to long walks and washing dishes with his pleasant partner.

Major Bob will no doubt be using green dishwashing liquid forever and ever — and after that.

The Greens have peaked. Their future was written by Cheryl Kernot and her dulcet tones intoning that in the end we all fall back to the big parties to get something done. Watch out for Green treachery and boozy backstabbing a la Democrats.

The Greens’ place in the sun has been made possible only by the Gillard minority and you can be sure that the voters have discarded their baseball bats and will be waiting for her gang with chainsaws. Sooner the better. No Gillard — no Greens.

When the commodities boom fades and things get really tough for the punters, the Greens will be transported into the next world on the intergalactic equivalent of a size 12 work boot.

Jim Hart writes: Perhaps your proof readers don’t get into their stride until the second or third article. Nevertheless someone should be receiving harsh disipline [sic] for item 1’s heading today.

Niall Clugston writes: Re. “Richardson: listen to Breivik, the articulate terrorist” (yesterday, item 12). I don’t understand why Charles Richardson would compare mass murderer Anders Breivik with American cult leader David Koresh.

There is no evidence that Koresh killed anyone. Not only did he never have “his day in court”, but he was never charged with any offence.

The Burgmann sisters:

Rhondda McMurray writes: Re. “Sydney lord mayor race: Skinner bows out as ALP primary preselection hots up” (Monday, item 10). I was surprised to read a reference in Crikey to the Burgmann sisters running n-ked onto the grounds of the SCG in 1971.

I presume this was during the protest against the Springbok rugby team because of its collusion with apartheid. I was among the crowd protesting on the old SCG Hill. This was heavily defended and no one succeeded in getting onto the field and disrupting the game from there.

The Burgmann sisters alone succeeded because they were able to come from the Members stand area from which no attack was suspected. There was a lot of smoke from the smoke bombs thrown on the field from the Hill and I didn’t see the sisters come on but distinctly remember a photo of Verity being led off the field by a couple of police in the paper the next day and she was fully clothed.

As their surprise move depended on being unobtrusive until they acted, nak-dness would not have been a good idea.