The ABC News site has linked this document to its story about US wheat farmers failing to get a lawsuit up against AWB over the impacts of the “Trucking Fees” affair. This would have to be the funniest thing ever on the AWB website – a document in which a US judge spells out the corrupt means by which AWB rerouted $300 million to Saddam Hussein’s regime. The reasons why the legal action failed are to do with economic and technical legal details; the $300 million worth of good-old Aussie corruption is not contested!

The members of the Melbourne BRW Advertising sales team have both resigned. Does this say something about the publication and it’s longevity?

The federal Opposition has been making an enormous fuss over the unusually high number of privately-funded trips to China by Kevin Rudd and his comrades when they were in Opposition. All well and good: everyone would like to know more. But what of Liberal MPs in NSW? Over the past 15 years, a large number of Libs have received free tickets and five-star accommodation to visit Taiwan as guests of the capitalist-roaders. Is this an arrangement that was known to Andrew Robb when he was federal director of the Liberal Party? If not, why not? If so, can he tell us more about knees-up trips to Taiwan by his colleagues?

No flu shots for the Workplace Authority. The following email has been sent to employees of the Workplace Authority:

To all employees,

I am writing to inform you about a decision that the Authority has taken in regard to influenza vaccinations for the winter of 2008.

It is often the case that public service agencies subsidize and organide free influenza vaccinations for employees. This winter is the first opportunity that the Authority has had to consider this option. The Authority has a strong commitment to the health and well being of our employees and has therefore given serious and detailed consideration to this decision.

The production of vaccine for winter 2008 has been delayed, with the government designating only priority individuals across the country being given access at this time. This combined with the cost of administering and providing the injection at over $50,000 has led the Authority to decide that for this winter we will not be supporting an influenza vaccination program for staff in house.

The program will be considered again at the beginning of winter 2009 at which time you will be advised of whether or not we will proceed with a program for our employees. In the meantime, if you have any concerns please consult with your medical practitioner.


Penny Weir

Head of Corporate
Workplace Authority
Level 3, 31 Brindle Circuit
Canberra International Airport