Nick Minchin might be – allegedly – stalking Robert Hill for his job, but it seems that one of his key constituencies loves the Defence Minister.

The latest issue of the Australian Defence Association’s bulletin Defence Brief has some very kind words:

“Speculation that the next cabinet reshuffle might involve Minister for
Defence, Senator Robert Hill, being replaced by Senator Nick Minchin
continues to grow,” it says. “Whatever the outcome, four things need to
be remembered.”

Number one? “First, Senator Hill has clearly been the most effective
Minister for Defence since the Howard Government assumed office, and
not just because of the continuity he has brought to what had become
the running bad joke of inflicting the ADF with three short-time
ministers on their terminal period in parliament…”

A little further down there’s even this, too: “The two best Defence
ministers since the very early 1970s, Senators Ray and Hill, have both
also been Government Leaders in the Senate. A case of busy men doing
all their jobs properly (and being senior enough to minimise the
chances of being rolled in Cabinet too often).”

Then the ADA lets daylight in on the magic by adding: “Minchin fits the bill too.”

Still, better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick. Or being
shipped of to New York, if you want to stay around, hey Minister?