People Power got off to a bumpy start and Stephen Mayne is getting out but it will be renamed and regrouped as an alternative political operation so why not come along to our annual meeting on November 8 in North Melbourne.

The issue now for thoughtful Australians is not how to analyse or satirise this appalling state. The issue is how to change it. The Australian spectator culture (watching from the sidelines and having a laugh) is now our own worst enemy. Is passivity the Australian way? Can Australians get beyond the “They’re all bastards but we’ll vote ’em back anyway” whinge?

Stephen Mayne will introduce discussion on After the Election: Politics in Australia – Where To Now? on Thursday evening, 8th November at 8pm at the Hotham Centre, 2 Elm St North Melbourne (corner Elm and Curzon Streets). This is a must-attend discussion for anyone experiencing grief about the state of Australian politics.

This is a People Power forum. People Power has been doing some soul searching and will consider a change of name at its forthcoming AGM, before relaunching its reform agenda in the new year.

It is working towards a national conference in Sydney on Saturday 9/Sunday 10 March 2002 titled:

The New Politics Conference.

For a SeaChange in Australian Politics, Business and Culture.

This event will hopefully launch a New Politics agenda in Australia, and put in place the policy and organisational framework needed to develop a serious challenge to the dullards on our right and left, and their institutional backers.

Three statements are now in preparation, drafts of which will be circulated widely and publicly in the 3 months leading up to the conference:

The Sydney Declaration
A call to arms statement containing broad principles and a reworked manifesto.

Economics for an Enterprising Australia
An economic policy statement.

Beyond Passivity: Enterprising Communities
A social policy statement.

Contact: Vern Hughes

0425 722 890

CRIKEY: Whilst still on the board of People Power and supporting the idea strongly, I’ll be leaving the board once a new team is in place to concentrate on the media and internet side of things. However, do come along on November 8 for a decent chinway about politics at the very least.