We reported yesterday on internal strife among Santa’s helpers at the National Civic Council. Now we’ve come across this begging letter from the NCC, forwarded by a subscriber:

National Civic Council
582 Queensberry Street
North Melbourne Vic 3051

April 26 2005

Dear Mr Bracks (Ahem!)

Once again we seek your support for our annual fund-raising – Special Effort. A successful Special Effort is important if the Victorian NCC is to have the capacity to mount campaigns and to continue to confront social, political and religious issues from a Judeo-Christian perspective.

Through the donation of $25.00, you provide an important contribution to the work of the Movement – the work commenced by Bob Santamaria. However, we do not have a collector in your area, hence my direct appeal to you. Please assist by making a donation of $25.00 and return the information slip and your remittance in the reply-paid envelope so a receipt(s) can be forwarded to you. The closing date for the Special Effort is Friday 27 May, 2005.

Your support through the Special Effort is greatly appreciated. In anticipation, I extend my thanks, mindful that in working together we can actively endorse the work of the NCC in 2005.

Anthony Capello (Victorian State President)

The NCC is also promoting what looks like a fire sale next month of books produced by their publishing arm, Freedom Publishing Australia. Save the dinosaur? Subscribers with an interest in political history might like to give them a fiver so they can hang on.