Climate change research centre for Adelaide. A research centre being launched in Adelaide today will look at ways to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change. The Institute for Climate Change and Sustainability will be based at the University of Adelaide. It will look at the effects of carbon dioxide on vineyards, the development of cheaper and quieter wind turbines and the use of solar energy in mineral processing. – ABC News

Surging Fish Diet-demand: A Health Blessing, an Environmental Curse. Be it for vitamins or calcium and phosphorous, doctors popularly recommend lime salmon or tuna in daily diets. But, how many of us have ever paused to think of — though good for a human health — how healthy does the practice eventually turn out to be for the environment? With global warming and other natural changes already reducing their number worldwide to a considerable amount, such health demands along with free business and marketing of the breeds could endanger the already vulnerable world fisheries. – Green Diary

Corn Flakes. Gov. Schwarzenegger took his green crusade to Florida last week, attending Charlie Crist’s “Serve to Preserve Florida Summit on Global Climate Change.” He warned Florida’s political leaders that if they joined they would be attacked by automakers, big business and skeptical citizens. Arnold urged them to tough it out, telling his converts: “You have to say ‘hasta la vista’ to greenhouse gas emissions.” – Reality Bytes

Don’t bogart that spotted owl. Reporter Alex Breiter describes modern Northern California marijuana cultivation as a nightmare of unregulated agribusiness devastation… Pesticides aimed at keeping rodents from chewing on pot plants are killing off a “primary food source” for the endangered spotted owl… Who’s giggling now? As anti-pot propaganda goes, it’s hard to imagine a more fiendish scheme to spread discomfort and dismay through the dope-smoking community. “Reefer Madness” pales in comparison. What’s next? Marijuana smoke contributes to global warming? – Salon

Canadian landfills look to make cash from trash. Canada’s garbage dumps may be getting crowded, but landfill operators are trying to find the cash in all that trash by sucking in the stink and turning it into energy thanks to technology that can turn trash into electricity — CTV