A once-mighty, once-wild river system that sweeps through four states and a territory. One of this country’s most valuable natural assets — for the environment and for agriculture.
The Murray-Darling Basin. Let down by a century of greed, politics, parochial planning and the worst excesses of a federal system which pits neighbour against neighbour. When the record-breaking drought struck earlier this century, the Murray-Darling had nothing to fight it with.
As Crikey hit deadline federal Environment Minister Tony Burke is releasing his decision on the long-awaited plan to better manage the system. As he told the ABC this morning:
“But as soon as I’m satisfied with it I don’t intend to delay. We’ve had delay for roughly a century, a little bit longer, and I’ve got no interest in adding another day to that.”
This issue is far too important to lose in the usual mess of politics, lawyers and hyperbole. Securing a better deal for the Basin will take compromise, it will require trade-offs. There will be howls of criticism this afternoon; they will dominate much of the media coverage. Maybe it’s time to ignore them and focus on the facts, the options and the art of the possible.
The Murray-Darling has been short-changed for decades. Its time has come. We either address this now, or we leave our greatest river system out to dry when the next drought hits.
“There will be howls of criticism this afternoon; they will dominate much of the media coverage. Maybe it’s time to ignore them and focus on the facts, the options and the art of the possible.”
We’ve been ignoring the shrill, negative focus of media coverage of most things for some time now. Just like the electorate did in the recent US election.
But if the media don’t present the “facts” where are we supposed to find them?
And how do we make the media accountable and stop their perpetual wanking?
Even when you change channels now you see the same thing. SBS World News last night (6.30pm in Adelaide) had exactly the same verbatim reports, exactly the same image for image items which occupied the first 12 minutes of ABC TV News at 7pm. Talk about sharing the load!
Even the sources we could once rely upon are failing us now.
And then there’s News Ltd!!!
The single, simplest & most effective action would be to breach each & every dyke, diversion channel and dam on Cubbie.
Not sure how our new, chinese Overlords might react though.
Anyone over 16 read Marsden’s “TOMORROW series?