Uganda strikes a blow for the forests: In a major victory for Uganda’s people, rainforests, environment and ecologically sustainable development aspirations; the Ugandan government has finally scrapped controversial plans to allow Mabira rainforest, one of the country’s largest and most important protected area, to be partially cleared for sugar production for biofuels. — Rainforest Portal

Big bucks in green energy: Global sales from clean energy sources like wind, solar and geothermal power and biofuels could grow to as much as $1 trillion a year by 2030, U.S. bank Morgan Stanley has estimated. – Environmental News Network

Putting your loo to better use: A cheap system that recycles human waste into biogas and fertiliser could help provide toilets for everyone in the world, says one sanitation expert, ahead of a world toilet meeting in India. – ABC Science Online

Greenland, an agricultural paradise? Rapid thawing brought on by global warming on the world’s largest island has opened up new opportunities for agriculture, commercial fishing, mining, and oil exploration. The island’s native people, though, may not be on the “winning” side of warming.National Geographic

Action on climate change stalled: It is October and global warming campaigner Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize. In November the U.N.’s climate scientists issue a capstone report on where the planet is headed. And in December envoys of almost 200 nations gather in Bali, Indonesia, hoping for action to head off the worst of climate change. But because of something that happened in September, their chances look slim. – Moscow News