Coalition immigration spokesperson Scott Morrison, speaking yesterday:
“It’s … important that the government look at ensuring that police in particular are advised of people being released into the community in their jurisdiction, so that police are at least aware.”
You know, like p-edophiles. Even members of his own party have rebuked him today. But of course, we’ve been here before.
Like in February 2011, on flying asylum seekers to Sydney for the funerals of relatives:
“The government had the option of having these services on Christmas Island. If relatives of those who were involved wanted to go to Christmas Island, like any other Australian who wanted to attend a funeral service in another part of the country, they would have made their own arrangements to be there … And when it comes to the question of do I think this is a reasonable cost, then my honest answer is, ‘No, I don’t think it is reasonable’.”
Also in February 2011, Lenore Taylor reported in The Sydney Morning Herald:
“The opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, urged the shadow cabinet to capitalise on the electorate’s growing concerns about ‘Muslim immigration’, ‘Muslims in Australia’ and the ‘inability’ of Muslim migrants to integrate.
“Mr Morrison’s suggestion was made at a meeting in December at which shadow ministers were asked to bring three ideas for issues on which the Coalition should concentrate its political attack during this parliamentary term.”
In February 2012, a press release on two cases of typhoid found one on an Australia-bound boat:
“When illegal boats turn up in our waters there will always be the risk that people on these boats will carry serious communicable diseases. The more boats there are, the greater the risk of serious diseases presenting …
“As long as Labor’s soft policies on our borders continue, these boats will continue to arrive along with the risks they carry, including people with serious communicable diseases.”
In March 2012, he warned asylum seekers may be carrying guns:
“The guns on our streets, the guns being traded, the guns that form this black market have got into Australia through pretty porous borders.”
And in June 2012, he told 2GB asylum seekers were also arriving cashed-up:
“I’ve been up at Christmas Island I’ve the seen the bags and the various other things of the passengers, and I’ve seen wads of cash before. I’ve seen large displays of jewellery and various other things, so a lot of money floating around when these boats come in is not uncommon as I understand it.”
The rap sheet is too long — Morrison’s campaign to vilify foreigners seeking refuge on our shores is concerted and deeply held. He really believes this stuff. And he’s set to be the nation’s immigration minister in September.
Labor is guilty of similar crimes, but there isn’t, to quote Peter Hartcher, a grub quite like Morrison. We hope neighbours are informed where he lives.
Similar crimes…(both sides do it!)…care to elucidate?
on the subject of hobbies Scott lists “Church” as his main pastime …
being disgusting would be a more accurate appraisal..
“Reith-Morrison – The Lowest Common Denominator.”
Didn’t he head Tourism Australia at one stage? Now that’s irony.
I believe Mr Morrison is a very devout Christian. Perhaps someone from the media pack should ask Mr Morrison what Jesus would think of his suggestions?