From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …

Not germane to The Age. Is the rumour true Germaine Greer’s regular column on the back page of The Saturday Age‘s lift-out Life and Style has been axed? Greer would not be the first outspoken feminist to be lopped from the op ed pages, remember comedian Catherine Deveny (who was axed for tweeting about Bindi Irwin, etc)? We put the claim that Greer has been axed to The Age editor Andrew Holden, who said he was not in a position to comment.

Greer’s recent columns have examined topics like Marcia Langton, how Greer did not have as many abortions as her biographer claimed, snakes in Queensland, etc. Will we be reading more of Kate Holden on the back page?

Another side to media chief. The country’s media barons have been out in force over the last few days, warning of the dangers of the federal government’s Stalin-esque media reforms. This reminded one well-placed tipster of a piece of information about one of these high-profile media types. Apparently, according to a former partner, he is a truly fantastic kisser. Do with that what you will …

Prisoner X case a book. Fairfax investigator-turned-ABC Radio presenter Rafael Epstein is writing a book on the Prisoner X case. The 774 Melbourne drive-time host confirmed to Crikey he’s penning something on Ben Zygier, the Australian who died in in Israeli custody in mysterious circumstances in 2010. The pair have a somewhat shared history: “He was one of the kids I looked after from time to time in two Jewish youth movements. Didn’t go to the same school … but he and I come from a very similar background.”

Epstein acknowledges the sensitivity with a grieving family but says “I think many people inside and outside the Jewish community want to understand more about how someone from Melbourne ends up where he did”. Indeed — we can’t wait to read it.

Williams’ Fairfax tome awaits. Meanwhile, we were reminded yesterday speaking to Australian Financial Review reporter Pamela Williams of her upcoming book looking at the recent history of Fairfax. She’s on a six-month sabbatical to get the book finished and might be just a little nervous about the reaction when she returns to Fairfax HQ …

No sweets please, we’re CSIRO. Well, well, lollies have been banned at CSIRO meetings and training sessions after a worker allegedly chipped a tooth on an officially sanctioned lollipop. This puts us in mind of outgoing BHP supremo Marius Kloppers (“hot soup may only be consumed on level 45“).

Speaking of crazy office rules, we scouted around our pals and learnt at Fairfax’s Media House in previous years, “getting a staple was a huge deal. You had to find the secretary who had the key to the stationery cupboard and provide a reason as to why you needed stationery and what kind you needed, then she would accompany you to the locked cupboard, watch to make sure you only got the specified stationery, and then lock it back up.” Fairfax’s finances might be looking a little shaky, but you clearly can’t blame the stationery department.

And we’ve heard some “green buildings” in the federal public service are strict no-fan, no-heater, no-lamp zones. Ouch! What’s the craziest rule at your work? Fill us in here.

*Heard anything that might interest Crikey? Send your tips to or use our guaranteed anonymous form