“My Government will do everything in its power to help Australia meet its Kyoto Protocol obligations,” Kevin Rudd announced on his first day as PM.

“I will also lead the Australian delegation at the opening of the High Level Segment of the United Nations conference on climate change in Bali next week.”

But how will he, Wayne, Penny and Peter get there? Crikey put in a call to the PM’s press office this morning to ask if the Australian delegation would be travelling on a commercial flight or adding to emissions by using one of the VIPs. We’re still waiting for the call back.

Kevin Rudd might have traded in his Territory for a Prius when he became opposition leader, but when he arrived in Canberra from Brisbane last week for his triumphal entry, it was on a VIP flight, not a scheduled service.

Does he really want to look like Tory leader David Cameron – riding a bicycle while the driver followed behind in the government car?