The one on the right has “sex appeal”, apparently. As for the one on the left?
Each to their own, we guess …
Guy Rundle spent a day with future deputy PM Barnaby Joyce. We're jealous. Bernard Keane has the GST debate nobody else wants to have. Plus the problems Peter Beattie faces in Forde. How WikiLeaks will shape the election outcome. And we launch our online Cash Tracker so you can monitor the parties' election promises.
article-article-bodyThe one on the right has “sex appeal”, apparently. As for the one on the left?
Each to their own, we guess …
The wannabe polly with Tone is no great shakes beauty wise although it’s not just looks that give a woman sex appeal, it’s her brains and outlook.
But,Tone certainly has attracted some glances from those delectable chicks behind him, checking out his butt in those sexy red budgies.
Yuk all round.