Did petro-populism take a while to work? In the latest Morgan poll taken last weekend, the Government’s support slumped 4% and the Coalition picked 4.5% to leave the 2PP vote at 58.5%-41.5%. Not exactly neck-and-neck, but a shot in the arm for the Coalition, which until now has failed to get any poll bounce from its 5c-a-litre excise stunt. The poll was taken after a Parliamentary week dominated initially by Fuelwatch, but which eventually shook off the cloying grip of petrol which had been choking political debate for weeks. The Government might be relying on the sort of poll bounce that the Prime Minister obtained after his triumphant world tour (minus Japan) earlier this year to restore its fortunes – except for the problem of Belinda Neal taking some angry pills.
However, 54% of people polled (up 4.5%) thought “Australia is heading in the right direction”, while 27% (down 3%) believe “Australia is heading in the wrong direction”. Maybe a society that obsesses about petrol prices on an overheating planet running out of its primary fuel source is the sort of place Australians are comfortable with.
Helen just what your contribution has to do with Bernards article and Denis’ reply escapes me. NOf course it is an excellent opportunity for you to take part in your favourite pastime, Rudd bashing. Ah well guess it takes you Libs mind off the polls. We forgive you. For now.
Regardless of the figures, or definitions, Rudd has certainly broken major election promises. He knows he can get away with it because the electorate is very fickle, as always and forever, and only interested in their own hip pocket. For example, before the election the electorate was all fired up with enthusiasm regarding taking action about global warming by reducing emissions, but as soon as the opportunity came along to put it into practice with the rising fuel costs, everybody, including the PM, jumped off the train. As forever, public transport options are right at the bottom of the heap of priorities, as is other infrastructure to allow for emissions reductions. The education revolution has dwindled to a few computers in NSW schools, and Rudd’s great show of spelling out the major steps in policy implementation, which impressed everybody early in the piece, has now transformed into dictatorial announcements being sprung on the government, the people expected to implement them, and the electorate – nuclear disarmament, and yet another Asian-Pacific body, only because India is not in the current ones (so why would it bang on the door wanting to join a new one???).
Helen just what your contribution has to do with Bernards article and Denis’ reply escapes me. NOf course it is an excellent opportunity for you to take part in your favourite pastime, Rudd bashing. Ah well guess it takes you Libs mind off the polls. We forgive you. For now.
Hey Helen who the hell are you? Got something to contribute to the particular article? No.. so butt out with your Rudd bashing. Get back to Ackerman and Bolts liberal lairs where you belong. Lib scandel mongering idiots, cost you the last election but you never learn.
Dennis, Dennis, you’ve just re-difined the meaning of both “fatal” and “collapse”.