… and then there’s the regulation that shouldn’t be cut. After our plea yesterday for a fair dinkum red tape assault, the details of Wednesday’s “Appeal Day” are emerging. Take this little cut, via The Australian Financial Review:
“Small groups of shareholders will no longer be able to force listed companies to hold extraordinary general meetings under an assault on regulation by the Abbott government … One impost to be removed is the 100-member rule, which enables 100 shareholders to call an extraordinary general meeting …”
Genuine power for shareholders to scrutinise boards? Scrap it.
And this, from today’s Sydney Morning Herald:
“The government plans to introduce legislation aimed at neutering parts of Labor’s finance advice reforms on Wednesday under the cover of the Prime Minister’s statement on red-tape reduction.”
Find any independent commentator who thinks that’s a good idea. But sneakily scrap it anyway.
Not to mention watering down media regulations, further consolidating the few independent voices left …
Not all red tape is bad. But everything, apparently, must go.
And if we think that’s bad, wait till we see the so-called green tape cuts – goodbye healthy environment
Some are saying, had the movement for red and green tape cutting been initiated a good while ago, the Obeid enquiry would now be reporting that A Sinodoonis (of the cut the red and green tape coalition government) would have collected a large amount of loot. Perhaps that is why there is movement afoot to allow for a free for all by the financial advisory industry again being championed by the same A Sinodoonis. Bags of loot for all the mainchancers!
Geez. They might be changing the rules so they don’t get caught. Who would have thought? Next it will be retrospective just in case it accidentally catches some…………Oh. They have done that already.
Who knew they would sink this low quite so quickly? The speed with which Abbptt is “wrecking the joint” is jaw dropping.
Of course we are speaking about Crikeys politician of the year. He very well may be if politician means inability to tell the truth. Ever.