*Chris Kelly is a cartoonist/graphic designer. He once turned a political cartoon idea into a political party, brought down a government and made an Australian state government take a 10% paycut. Seriously (google it).
The Sandpit: Chris Kelly
*Chris Kelly is a cartoonist/graphic designer. He once turned a political cartoon idea into a political party, brought down a government and made an Australian state government take a 10% paycut. Seriously (google it).
As showcased at the AWB Cole Inquiry, the condition is known as Downer Syndrome.
I want one!!!
“The Arfur Chancer”?
But there’s no address to apply for one – your memory’s as bad as Arfur’s?
Good one Chris.
He certainly explains the meaning of the term ‘to have arfur mind to do something about it’.
And, if that doesn’t work, it’s good for accountable political constipation – going through the motions?