*Department of Australia is an online satire project created by Leslie Nassar. Leslie was Fake Stephen Conroy and Fake Today Tonight; he created TweeVee TV, the Twitter moderation platform that powers the on-air Tweets for ABC’s Q&A; he was a digital media officer for Victoria Police, an “emerging technology” nerd in Telstra’s chief technology office and most recently the director of Technology for Razorfish Australia.
The Sandpit: Department of Australia (Game of Thrones spoiler alert!)
*Department of Australia is an online satire project created by Leslie Nassar. Leslie was Fake Stephen Conroy and Fake Today Tonight; he created TweeVee TV, the Twitter moderation platform that powers the on-air Tweets for ABC’s Q&A; he was a digital media officer for Victoria Police, an “emerging technology” nerd in Telstra’s chief technology office and most recently […]
Gaarh! Spoiler warning next time please!
Not okay to put this in the email newsletter – definitely needs a spoiler warning. Or just take it down.
You’re going to piss quite a few people off with this spoiler.
I’ve seen the odd stuff up in Crikey over the years, but nothing as bad as this one in “cartoon dept”. As the others have noted.
Badly needs a spoiler alert.
Hell, it’s not even particularly funny. #lamefail
For an internet only publication, you sure have a thing or two to learn about internet etiquette regarding spoilers.