A tax by any other name …

Peter Matters writes: Re. “Keane: government makes a mess of its pre-budget message” (Friday). Yes, the government have got themselves into a historically unique mess.Yet, by trumpeting the long list of  mistakes, the commentators proved not to see  the forest for all the trees.

Possibly due to the speed and spread of electronic communications, elected governments are turning more and more into a presidential nature.

Tony Abbott appears to be a decent enough bloke and he plays the baby-kissing and hand-shaking game with great skill. For all that, it was quite clear even before the win in September last that he would be unable to cope. Being burdened with a bagful of hang-ups from birth causing him to be consumed with an outsize need for an ego trip as well as a mindset wired into the 19th century, there was no question that he would be lucky to see out one term.

Les Heimann writes: A tactic by any other name. The conservative bible is partially written and is a political distraction as a one-sided document produced to “quell the masses” so as to accept an otherwise less bitter pill called the budget. More important is the ultra- conservative profit-driven direction pursued by Abbott government. What greater example of the political hue is there than that of determining “the senior solution”?

Abolish the superannuation contribution increase to 12% and raise even further the retirement age. Costs less for the employer and hurts more the person. Ask a miner if he will still be working at 70 years of age.

As said before the election: elect this mob at your peril. Welcome to Australia’s Tea Party.

Bonds not a guarantee

Jim Blundell writes: Re. “Child’s play: is there a sustainable business in kids’ care?” (April 28). While generally true old people’s accommodation bonds are protected by government(s), this does not apply always.

Melbourne’s “Mentone Gardens” (Nepean Highway, Mentone) went broke a year or so ago and residents lost their bonds. Apparently the contract fine print explained this was possible.