Crikey has new polling today suggesting the electorate is split on the need for a debt tax. The Liberal fraternity, meanwhile, seems anything but …
Former Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello:
“The proposed tax levy has no economic benefit; it will detract from growth by reducing consumption.”
Former Liberal frontbencher Peter Reith:
“I don’t like the deficit tax, I don’t like it at all.”
Former Liberal leader John Hewson:
“You’ve got tax concessions, for example, in superannuation from which you can raise a substantial amount of money [instead of a debt levy]. They are heavily biased in favour of the wealthy, they don’t impact on immediate economic activity, they impact on savings behaviour down the track.”
Commission of Audit head Tony Shepherd:
“I’d say that if they were to bring in something like that, they’d need to be very careful about implementing any of our recommendations which have an immediate impact on the individual.”
Liberal MP Warren Entsch:
“It’s a tax — it’s not a levy.”
With friends like these …
As usual, John Hewson is the one talking the most sense.
Note that despite Emma Alberici (last night’s Lateline) presenting overseas evidence of the consequences of depriving unemployed youths of welfare payments, Shepherd was unmoved & stuck to his guns. Apparently facts are not pertinent.
At least the right side of politics is upfront about differing views, compared to the totalitarian culture that exists in the ALP.
I think the tax is a really stupid idea.
And Zut, comparing Australia to youth unemployment in Spain is not really credible is it? Spain’s unemployment is over 25%. It’s economy is in free fall.
The old saw, “if’n ye be not a socialist at 20, y’ve nay heart. If y’re still a socialist at 30 y’ve nay brain” would seem in need of amendment with the addition of “and if you’r still right wing once you lose the Liberal leadership, you’re amoral, sociopathic & brain dead. Or John Howard.
So David, the current Australian figure if 1 in 8 is OK is it? Our debt is less than a quarter of Spain’s so we are actually dong worse. How will taking money off them help?
Just as an aside I am completing a Dip Ed in July along with another 30 or so people. An LNP hiring freeze over here in WA limits job prospects. I guess it is our fault we can’t get work as teachers…
Matt, your quaint sense of entitlement that the taxpayer owes you a job is so naïve it’s almost touching.
Have a chat to a car worker or a miner sometime. It’s not their fault either.