*Wes Mountain is a freelance cartoonist and writer. He blogs and sketches at This is Australia. Today.
The Sandpit: Wes Mountain
*Wes Mountain is a freelance cartoonist and writer. He blogs and sketches at This is Australia. Today.
And the idea of Mr Abbott in drag will now haunt my dreams. Cheers!
Rise like a souffle more likely. And, as Keating once said, a souffle doesn’t rise twice. Phoney Tony’s a onecer – he may not even last the term.
A most alarming final frame. Australia is sorry Abbott didn’t stick with the clerical surplice – for he will never achieve a budget surplus regardless of how many voters he sends to the poorhouse.
Had to applaud Sen Nash defending the increased cost of medical attention almost exactly quoted Thatcher’s mad mentor, Keith Joseph who said, when he introduced extra costs to the NHS dental scheme, “this will provide a financial incentive for people to look after their teeth.”
Nash talked in Questions about how this co-payment will encourage healthier life choices.Seriously!
Actually, AR, this budget is providing me with an incentive to break a few teeth.