*David Blumenstein is a writer/cartoonist/animator. He’s making his own cop show, slowly. He helped found Melbourne’s Squishface Studio. His little brother Tristian’s school reports are feared by liars and mouthpieces great and powerful.
The Sandpit: David Blumenstein
*David Blumenstein is a writer/cartoonist/animator. He’s making his own cop show, slowly. He helped found Melbourne’s Squishface Studio. His little brother Tristian’s school reports are feared by liars and mouthpieces great and powerful.
Clive does bear a bit of resemblance to Mr Goldfinger…
Let him sleep, it was a long ‘roller’ drive from Queenland. Clive, the man of the people with the millionaires pricetag!
‘Who let him in?’
It’s a great question. And while we’re at it, hands up anybody who voted for the Coalition…