They thunder, they stomp, they rejoice, they lament, they shout, they cackle, they cry! There’s never a non-emotional moment in the lives of Australia’s right-wing old man brigade, whose sense of restraint lost all capacity during the last decade.
Only one of them, however, can reign as our leading harbinger of doom. Only one can stand above all others as the king of the crazies, while the others look on and ask, “when was he retiring again?” In the search for this nation’s most unhinged agitator, let the CrikeyPoll decide!
Poor Tim barely registers on the Crazy King poll.
Frightbats was such click bait though and it was sad to watch everyone pile onto the hook all night on twitter.
Bit sexist… where is Miranda Devine or Albrechtsen?
What about Cory Barnardi (from outside the media)?
Diff’rent pokes for diff strokes? How to choose the most noxious? WoodyH’s line in “No Country..” seems apposite, “..compared to what, bubonic plague?”
Interesting state of affairs, when Alan ‘the talking melanoma’ Jones, may not actually win this poll.