Satire and conspiracies

Helen Robertson writes: Re. “Is this the real world? Bin Laden conspiracy theory makes plenty of sense” (yesterday). A few days after the 2012 story about the American raid and the death of Bin Laden came out, comedy duo John Clarke and Bryan Dawe did a skit on it. Dawe interviewed quiz show contestant “Oliver Beerthanks” about it and most of  the main points in the recent new story were covered in their exchange on 10/3/2012. “Possibly” the Pakistani authorities knew bin Laden was there. “Possibly” the Americans carried out the raid in the early hours of the morning so the Pakistanis could pretend they didn’t know it was going to occur.

It finishes like this:

“And now, you’ve won a collection of stories, Oliver!”

“What sort of stories?”

“All sorts”

“How many are there?”

“How many would you like?”

“I’d like as many as you’ve got”

“That’s why you’ve won”

“Who wrote them?”


“I love his stuff; he’s my favourite author.”

On budget measures

Paul Montgomery writes: Re. “Axe the F35s, boost the economy” (yesterday). Thomas Richman’s comments yesterday on the huge benefit to our budget’s bottom line by cancelling the $24 billion F35 Joint Strike Fighter order was, for me, right on the money. In a related issue, I’ve long thought; forget all the endless talk about where our new high-tech submarines should be built. The question surely is: just why do we need these incredibly expensive questionable pieces of hardware at all? Can someone please explain to me how they would enhance or even play a role in Australia’s security and humanitarian roles from a distant launch date and into the future? Even allowing for the fact that our soon to be replaced Collins Class subs — another staggeringly expensive folly — have mostly spent their time in dry-dock, I’ve not exactly seen an urgent need or purpose for Australian subs in any of our recent conflict or humanitarian zones to date.

Corruption vs capitalism

Ailie Bruins writes: Re. “Kiwis move hard and fast on Auckland property bubble” (yesterday). A crucial factor contributing to NZ’s economic success which is never mentioned in the Australian, is NZ’s lack of corruption. Corruption is highly inefficient.