Crikey presents an internal email from the Townsville City Council regarding … kitchen hygiene.

To: All staff
Subject: Kitchen Witch
Importance: High

Hi All,

The kitchen is yet again an absolute pig sty.

I have just donated a scrubbing brush and have filled the sink with hot soapy water.

Whoever has been lazy and left dirty dishes on the sink go and wash them up!

This is a shared space we are all mature enough to clean up after ourselves and our guests.

If is happens again a roster for washing up will appear for those who are seen to use the dishes supplied in the kitchen.


This weeks Kitchen Witch

And another, this one doing the all staff rounds at Lockyer Valley Regional Council. Something in the water there it seems, just don’t tell the townsfolk:

To: All Users
Subject: Gatton Office Building – Drinking Water
Importance: High

To all staff,

Please be advised that one routine sample of the town water taken at the Gatton office building has failed to meet the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Until further notice, as a precautionary measure:

· The water in the Gatton office building should not be consumed unless from the Hot Water systems in the Lunch Rooms.

· From tomorrow morning drinking water will be supplied in lunch room fridges for staff to consume.

· Hand sanitizing gel will be provided in staff toilets and lunch rooms.

Retesting of the Gatton office water supply is being conducted tomorrow morning and further advice will be provided after we receive test results.

Again it should be noted that this is a precautionary measure and that all other sample points in our local government area have passed.

If you would like further information please contact the Environmental Health Section.