Here’s a fun Friday quiz: who does this sentence refer to?
“They represent by far the major media presence in Australia and, from their bully pulpits, they present a common position on most social, economic and political issues.”
The obvious answer is News Corp and its hectoring tabloids in particular.
But no! These words are from the chairman of the PM’s Business Advisory Council, Maurice Newman, writing in today’s Australian, and they refer to:
“The ABC, SBS and the Fairfax organisation, along with The Guardian, Crikey, The Conversation, The Monthly, New Matilda, The Saturday Paper, The Green Left Weekly and sundry others.”
According to Newman, this secret council of disparately owned media outlets and their followers have colluded to derail and stifle debate on such issues as gay marriage, climate change and refugees.
You might not write for Australia’s largest newspaper publisher, or have the PM’s ear on business policy, but you are now part of the censorious “elite”, dear reader. Enjoy your newfound power, and your weekend. We’re off to meet with our media colleagues in the Council of Doubt-Free Progressives Inc. We’ll be back on Monday with the latest missives.
Maurice is such a class act that even Blot worships at his altar.
I also liked the next line “This makes it difficult for any dissenting voice, let alone a government, that fails to conform immediately to the approved collective narrative.“.
Wow. Just… wow!
Yes, poor Maurice, being just so terribly oppressed, by the fact that some people in the Australian media still have a grasp of reality.
I feel so pleased to belong to such a powerful elite. Reminds me of the story about the very poor Jewish Russian peasant, who, when he was caught reading a rabid anti-Jewish newspaper, claimed he only read it to confirm the power he possessed.
So being Crikey subscribers makes us elite…does this mean we qualify for the Life Gold Pass?
How can Maurice or Rupert even get a look in when the masses are reading Green Left Weekly and Crikey?