Cliche watch. The change of PM has prompted a predictable descent to the bottom of the cliche barrel by our favourite opinionaters.
“Bind up the wounds” is the clear front-runner, with even Paul Kelly wheeling out that tired phrase this morning.
But a special mention for Greg Sheridan, the first Abbott apologist to give us that old faithful, the “History will be much kinder …” line — in the second par of his weird 1000-worder on the Oz front page that manages to blame the Queen for the knighthood bestowed on her consort by the Mad Monk. Utterly bizarre. — David Salter
Video of the day. Labor Senator Sam Dastyari has some theme song suggestions for Julie Bishop …
Front page of the day. It continues …
The ‘blood on your hands’ question to Julie Bishop is the cliche that grates most with me.
It’s puerile, if I’m being generous. It’s rubbish, it’s crap, it’s soap opera level comment dressed up as hard-hitting journalism.
It is the cream of all cliches, where thinking stopped long before the words are uttered, where blinkered philistines masquerade as adult journalists.
Come on, come up with something new you brilliant wordsmiths.
Ah, Rupert and his red-head fetish …. did they get that jester hat from his closet …. “Behind the hand-cuffs, hopples and riding gear, under the horse costume….”?