Foster’s Group’s IT management seems to have lost the plot, with the company accidently opening up their internal email (intranet) to the web.

Foster’s uses free and/or low cost to host their internal newsletters and they’re all there to be perused by the general public. Foster’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) Andrew Leyden has recently been added to the Fosters Leadership Team, so the technical slip up makes for unfortunate timing.

Naturally we have had a look through some of Foster’s newsletter updates and here are our favourites:

The congratulatory newsletter to Andrew Leyden (CIO) and someone called Donna Watt on their appointments to the Foster’s Leadership Group (FLG):

Foster’s own Biggest Loser, “the trick is keeping it [the weight] off, and being surrounded by beer all day, that’s easier said than done.”

And here’s a interesting take on the alcopops tax: