The neverending lawfare

Peter Matters writes: Re. “Think ‘green lawfare’ law and citizenship-stripping died with Abbott? Think again” (yesterday). The slightest trace of understanding of what makes human beings tick would get it into politicians’ thick skulls that you cannot buy national security with legislation. On the contrary, legislation will literally goad vulnerable youngsters being mass hypnotised into the obsession that causing violent death to innocent people will secure them twenty virgins in Allah’s heaven. The only way to stop the horror is with patient, intelligent understanding and co-operation with Muslim parents to break the hypnosis. Sadly, we are still stuck with the Tony Turnbull Government.

On data and the TPP

Robert Fox writes: Re. “Govt can force companies to keep data onshore” (yesterday). Correct me if I’m wrong, but I presume Josh Taylor is referring to Ch.14.13.2 (No Party shall require a covered person to use or locate computing facilities in that Party’s territory as a condition for conducting business in that territory.) However, the supposed exemption appears in Ch.9.15, which, as has been pointed out, is self- contradictory. The further exclusion in Annex 9.B 3 (b) and Footnote 37 refer only to Expropriation not to Investment. This is complicated stuff, and precise argument and references are vital. I await further detail.